MN website company
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MN website company

If $ is holding you back from getting the website you need for your company then give us a call today at 651-674-3834 and let us work something out for you.

Mobile Website Standards

Do You Have A Mobile Website?

With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, including smart phones and tablets, there is no better time than now to have a mobile website. Regardless of if you are an online only business or looking for lead generations, a mobile site is a necessary tool for your business.

A mobile website should be a simpler version of your full site. Mobile websites just need to contain the pertinent information about your business. If you are an online store, the ability to view and purchase products online would be a must in a mobile site. If you are just looking for leads, the site should just contain a small amount of information on what you offer and how to contact you.

Optimize Your Mobile Site

It is not only important to have a mobile site, but it also needs to be optimized for users. There are a number of items that should be followed to offer the best mobile experience.

  1. Mobile websites should contain only pertinent information. Too much information would slow down the load time, and be too much to read on a small device.
  2. Just like on full size websites, your contact information should be readily accessible. Your phone number and address should be located in a prominent position with a large font making it easy to read.
  3. Mobile website text should be large and clear enough to read on even the smallest of mobile devices. Bold font and darker colors on light backgrounds will make your mobile website even easier to read.
  4. Your mobile websites navigation should be easily accessible and easy to read. A simple navigation will make it easy for all visitors to view the links and make it easy for them to navigate all of the site pages.
  5. Not only should the mobile website navigation being large enough to click, the phone number should also be large enough to click to call from your device.

The more of the items that are followed the simpler it will be for users to get the information they need and are looking for.

Google's Mobile Initiative: GoMo

Even though you might be able to see your full site on a mobile device, it doesn't mean that your site is mobile friendly. Google is leading an initiative designed to help businesses by providing tools and resources to get their websites as mobile friendly as possible. GoMoMeter is a tool available for you to test your mobile site and get recommendations for making it more mobile friendly. You can read more about and test your site with GoMo by clicking here.

Click here to preview the results of WebDuck Designs' mobile website. Our mobile website scored a perfect 4 out of 4! We build all of our clients' mobile websites with those same standards in mind.

Mobile Website Cost

Since mobile sites are just a mini version of your full size website, unless you are running an e-commerce store, they are typically not expensive. The cost for mobile sites can be as minimal as $500. With the ever growing use of mobile devices, a mobile website cost is minimal to get your business in front of another media avenue.

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