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Shopping Search Engines

Whether you are a new online store or a store that has been around for years, comparison shopping websites (aka shopping engines or finder sites) can help increase your website traffic. There are so many product finder sites available, with all of them offering different benefits and features for varying prices. We recommend putting your online store out in as many places as possible to help increase your visibility to as many different people as possible. For that reason we suggest you submit your online store to all of the free shopping engines.

After you have placed yourself on all the possible free shopping engines the next step would be to review your budget and see what you can spend to be listed on the paid shopping sites. You can see from the list below that a lot of the paid shopping comparison sites are a lot more popular and well known than the free listing sites, so being able to add your store into at least one of the paid searches could be beneficial. Most of the paid shopping comparison sites use some of the money you are paying them to be listed on their site and pay for PPC on major search engines like Google. So if you are paying for listing your product in say Price Grabber for example, your products can be found not only on Price Grabber but might also be seen in the paid listing section on Google and Yahoo.

Other than cost, some of the other factors to consider when deciding on what shopping sites to list your products are include: do they require you to link back to their website, do they have a good Page Rank, do they have any affiliate sites and do they offer a price comparison with your competitors. If a shopping site requires you to link back to them you will have to have room on your website for their link. Some of the major shopping sites offer a listing on their affiliate sites that pull from the same data. For example, Bizrate, Lycos Shopping and Shopzilla all pull from the same database so you are essentially getting 3 listings for the price of 1. If the shopping site has a Page Rank less than 2, it is probably not worth your time to list on such a low ranking website. If the site offers a tool for visitors to compare your prices with your competitors you will need to make sure your prices are comparable otherwise you are just paying for nothing because no one will go to a higher priced store for that same item. WebDuck Designs has put together a list of many of the popular finder and comparison sites along with their benefits to help you find the best matches for your business.

Shopping Site Comparison Table

Site Name refers to the Name of the Shopping site and the url of where the shopping site is located
Cost refers to the fees associated with listing your products on the shopping site
Comparison Site is whether your product prices will be compared to other store's prices
PPC Included is whether or not the shopping engine pays for PPC on major search engines
Affiliates refers to any other shopping sites that are associated with or pull their product listings from that shopping site

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